设计师推荐_今天新闻摘抄十条_seo 服务_平面设计软件下载安装




设计师推荐_今天新闻摘抄十条_seo 服务_平面设计软件下载安装

Compared with the traditional manual management method before, the intelligent management method can significantly reduce the cost of school operators, realize the standardized, institutionalized and programmed management of campus navigation, effectively prevent the random management of campus navigation, improve the processing speed and accuracy of information, and can timely and accurately query and correct information such as building speed.
The subject mainly adopts Uni-weixin and SpringBoot architecture technology. The front end is presented to students with small program pages. The page is improved by combining the background java language. The background uses MySQL database for data storage. WeChat widget mainly includes student information, campus profile, building view, system information and other functions to realize intelligent management and improve work efficiency.
Keywords: campus navigation WeChat applet; SpringBoot framework; MySQL database



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