





With the advancement of science and technology, WeChat Mini Programs have slowly entered life. Because they are light, fast and easy to use, based on WeChat’s large platform, the Mini Programs have developed rapidly and become more mature. Therefore, special developments have been developed for e-sports information exchange. This is an e-sports information exchange platform based on WeChat applet.
This e-sports information exchange platform based on WeChat applet uses WXML, WXS, JS applet programming language, WeChat developer tools for WeChat terminal development, uses MYSQL database for system data storage, and uses WeChat as the entry point, which is fast and portable The characteristic of, does not occupy memory, does not need to download, install, and visit speed is very fast. The system interface is good, and the operation is simple and convenient. Through the system overview, system analysis, system design, database design, and system testing, the development process of the system is explained in detail. Finally, the whole development process is summarized to realize the electronic An important function of competitive information exchange.
“Easy operation, practical function” is the core concept of this software design, this system strives to create the best user experience.



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