宁波房地产信息网_重庆最新最新_校招去哪个银行最好_正邦设计logo多少钱 [14] Alyasiri B , Sahi B , Al-Khafaji N .NoSQL: Will it be an alternative to a relational database? MySQL vs MongoDB comparison[J].Proceedings of 2nd International Multi-Disciplinary Conference Theme: Integrated Sciences and Technologies, IMDC-IST 2021, 7-9 September 2021, Sakarya, Turkey, 2022.






Applet spring boot campus epidemic intelligent prevention and control


In the information society, there is a need for targeted information access, but the expansion of access is basically the direction of people's efforts. Due to the deviation of the perspective, people can often obtain different types of information, which is also the most difficult subject for technology to overcome. Aiming at the problems of campus epidemic intelligent prevention and control applet, this paper studies and analyzes the campus epidemic intelligent prevention and control applet, and then develops and designs the campus epidemic intelligent prevention and control applet information system to solve the problems.

The main functional modules of the campus epidemic intelligent prevention and control applet information system include personal center, user management, epidemic information, action track, body temperature reporting, reporting reminder and emergency reporting. The object-oriented development mode is adopted for software development and hardware erection, which can well meet the needs of actual use and improve the corresponding software erection and program coding, MySQL is used as the main storage unit of background data, and Java EE framework, spring boot technology and Ajax technology are used to code and develop the business system, which realizes all the functions of the system. This report first analyzes the background, function and significance of the research, which lays a foundation for the rationality of the research work. This paper analyzes the various requirements and technical problems of the campus epidemic intelligent prevention and control applet information system, proves the necessity and technical feasibility of the system, then makes a basic introduction to the technical software and design ideas needed to design the system, and finally realizes the deployment and operation of the campus epidemic intelligent prevention and control applet information system.

Key words: Intelligent prevention and control of campus epidemic; Java language;

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