




Online ticket shopping studio


With the advent of the Internet trend, all walks of life are considering using the Internet to promote themselves. The best way is to establish their own Internet system, and maintain and manage it. In practical application, the working rules and development steps of the application software use Java technology to build an online ticket shopping theater.

This design mainly realizes the online ticket shopping theater integrating the advantages of humanization, efficiency and convenience, and realizes the following functions: home page Personal management (personal information, password modification) website management (broadcast map, website announcement) personnel management (administrator, registered user) content management (movie information, information classification) module management (movie classification, city information, cinema information, hot films, movie sessions, online booking) and other functional modules. The system communicates with the server through the browser to realize data interaction and change. You can operate the system by moving your fingers through a computer to realize data communication management. The design process of the whole system fully considers the safety, stability and reliability of data, and the operation process is simple. The system improves work efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage through scientific management and convenient services.

The online ticket shopping studio uses the java language ssm framework to develop, and uses the MyEclipse 2017 CI 10 compiler to compile. The data mainly uses Microsoft's MySQL relational database as the data storage medium, and cooperates with the foreground HTML+CSS technology to complete the system development.

Keywords: SSM; MySQL; Online ticket purchase; Java



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